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    摘要 : The key components of an Electricity Critical Infrastructure (ECI) are the elements of system required to permanently provide services with a certain performance level. In the case of disruptive events effects on these elements, t... 展开

    [机翻] 关键基础设施系统失效协同效应的定量评价
    摘要 : A critical infrastructure is a complicated system whose failure (in whole or in part) has a significant impact on national interests, including security, the economy and basic human needs. The system consists of relevant sectors, ... 展开

    [期刊]   Rehak, David   Slivkova, Simona   Janeckova, Heidi   Stuberova, Dominika   Hromada, Martin   《Energies》    2022年15卷14期      共14页
    摘要 : As the number of threats and the severity of their impact increases, an ever greater emphasis is being placed on the protection of critical infrastructure. Thus, the issue of resilience, or its assessment and strengthening, is inc... 展开

    [机翻] 评估关键基础设施要素恢复力的复杂方法
    摘要 : The resilience of elements in a critical infrastructure system is a major factor determining the reliability of services and commodities provided by the critical infrastructure system to society. Resilience can be viewed as a qual... 展开

    [机翻] 关键基础设施系统中的级联影响评估
    摘要 : Research into disruptions to, or failures in, the Critical Infrastructure (further only CI), represents an important area of investigations into the phenomena in (a) Critical Infrastructure System (further only CIS). The results a... 展开

    摘要 : The paper focuses on risk sources under no legislative pressure in the field of prevention of major accidents. Despite this, they can represent significant sources of risk of accidents.

    摘要 : The robustness of the critical infrastructure system is determined by the validity and vulnerability of its individual elements and the links between them. For this reason, these elements are the basic building blocks of the syste... 展开
